SOS-Call App

The SOS-Call App is the world’s first service that uses state-of-the-art technology and an international network to significantly accelerate emergency assistance. Considerable reductions in reaction times of up to several hours have been scientifically proven. The service is an important part of the travel risk management of companies.

SOS Call App – Our reliable and secure emergency solution.

In emergencies, it is important that those affected receive the help they need as quickly as possible. Informing local responders about the nature and exact location of the emergency is critical. For this purpose, med con team has developed a special SOS call app. With the help of this emergency call app system, affected people receive fast and adequate support at the push of a button. Thanks to the app’s geographic localization, it is possible to precisely locate people seeking help anywhere – even in difficult terrain.

The SOS Call App as an essential part of travel risk management

In 2020, the number of business trips decreased sharply due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Business travel at home and abroad is increasing again and has even surpassed the frequency before the pandemic. The SOS Call app is an important component of travel risk management, which ensures the safety and health of business travelers. When employers send their employees on business trips, they must ensure that they arrive and return safely. The employer’s duty of care includes, among other things, ensuring that employees know who to contact in the event of an emergency. With the SOS Call app, your employees receive uncomplicated and immediate support in emergencies.

First aid - worldwide with the SOS Call App from med con team

If a person seeking help does not speak the local language or has lost orientation, it is difficult to request adequate help. If the person concerned cannot explain exactly where they are to the dispatcher at the rescue control center, no ambulance can be sent. Language barriers and disorientation can therefore lead to considerable delays. Sometimes hours can pass before those affected receive appropriate care and attention from paramedics and emergency physicians. Accurate localization is therefore essential to avoid valuable time being lost. The SOS Call app ensures that those seeking help in emergencies can receive care as quickly as possible while on vacation or on business trips. Affected travelers receive the help they need quickly and easily using the SOS Call app – worldwide.

Timely assistance at the touch of a button with the SOS Call App

The SOS emergency call app enables fast help at the push of a button – without any time delay. Often, people that are stressed are unable to explain what has happened and where exactly they are due to shock or a serious injury. With the SOS Call app, travelers can easily trigger an emergency call by pressing the button, even in moments of shock. The SOS Call app immediately locates the person seeking help – no matter where they are in the world.

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Mit der 24/7 Emergency Hotline von med con team sind Dienstreisende im Ausland rund um die Uhr abgesichert. Durch die Notruf-Hotline sind Ärzte, medizinisches Fachpersonal und Sicherheitsexperten jederzeit persönlich, für Sie als Arbeitgeber und für Ihre Mitarbeiter erreichbar. Je nach Notlage kümmern wir uns um Evakuierung, Krankenrücktransport und die Suche nach einem geeigneten Arzt im Ausland bzw. am Aufenthaltsort. Bei Bedarf stellt das med con team eine Kostenübernahmegarantie für Krankenbehandlungen aus. Sodass notwendige Therapien sofort beginnen können, ohne, dass Betroffene in Vorkasse gehen müssen.

The solution

All information about the emergency case that has been collected, including a map giving your current position, will be quickly forwarded to our partner control centre abroad, which will then activate the local rescue service in the language spoken there. You can thus be sure to get help as quickly as possible.
The costs of this service can either be covered by a personal travel health insurance or by any precautions taken by the employer. The SOS-Call is ideally suited to cover your company’s employer management and information obligations.
Country information and risk warnings in real time can be uploaded in the app.

© 2024 med con GmbH – Medical Services Worldwide. All right reserved.

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